
All posts by Vicky

7 July 2021

New York HERO Act |,

The NY Hero Act has been signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo! This act directs the NYS Departments of Labor and Health to create enforceable health and safety requirements to prevent airborne infectious diseases in the workplace. As more employees return to the office in the wake of Covid-19, we have to look towards …

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Why is OSHA training important? | Airtek Environmental | New York

5 October 2020

The Importance of OSHA Training |, , ,

Why is OSHA Training Important? You may ask yourself, Why is OSHA Training Important? The state of safety regulations and requirements in the workplace has only come to truly benefit workers in recent years. The history of industry work and medical work is rife with stories of unsettling accidents and the spread of disease amongst …

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10 September 2020

Local Law 31 of 2020 |, , ,

Our firm is ready to assist you as you navigate Lead policy, including recently enacted Local Lead Law 31 of 2020. This law from HPD states that an owner must use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified inspector or risk assessor, independent of the owner or any firm hired to perform lead-based paint remediation, to test …

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